Thursday, February 27, 2020

Got you!

Hello, your wife has any ideea what I know? See... I don`t judge a man messing with another woman but maybe your co workers, relatives, familly, friends and so on will judge you, if they find out.

Now, maybe you ask yourself this. Who I am and how I know this correct? I can`t tell you who I am(obviously), I don`t even know you, but what I can tell you is how I find out about your secret and the answer is smart phones!

Those gadgets are not actually that smart, you have installed some time ago a application that pretend to have a purpose and in the background without you having any ideea was collecting data. This application has some special code also is collecting sms messages, calls, pretty much everything and then is sending the collected data to one of my compromised servers located somewhere on an island.

Everyday I manually check stuff collected from hundred of people around the world and I`m looking for something that can worth it like this case for example.

The deal is next. You make a donation of 950 bucks worth in BlT-COIN value. Otherwise, well... your secret will not be a secret anymore. I created a special archive with some materials for your wife that will be delivered if I don`t get my donation. It took me a while to accumulate enough information.

The amount is almost: 0.1 BTC.

My address part1: 127zweG7Am1EL

My address part2: qMZd1owTvUXNyKXZSMkae

This is important! My address(which is case sensitive) was cut in 2 parts, you have to copy and paste the part1 + part2 and then the final result after the parts are put toghether is actually my final address where you can send the coins.

So, my guess is that you never used BlT-COIN. In order to get them use Google and search for PaxfuI. I know that you have that money because I checked report, it cost me a few dollars(with a stolen virtual card) to buy the information from some dodgy big databases of data. Everything that we do on social media, browser, pretty much any online activity is stored by those companies and then the info is sold to individuals like me. It`s simply how things are working on planet earth, no privacy!

After the donation was sent, your secret relationship will stay safe and you will never hear from me again. As I said I don`t judge you, this monogamy thing is pure BS. Some of those women after 30, they start to look like spoiled milk, complain all day, making your life harder. A woman should bring only pleasure(if you know what I mean) in your life, so if you see somebody else outside your marriage and everything is working good at home... keep going. Also did you know that almost all the successfull mariages are based on cheating?

The time limit is 48 hours (2 days) from this moment that you read this message!

BTW to remove my stuff from your device check on how to reset to factory settings. Search for your model and proced with the instructions. Also stop installing all stuffs and be careful what you browse online.

This message was set to be sent more times. If you already sent my donation and you keep receiving those messages, just ignore them.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

I know something

So, your wife has any ideea what I know? See... I don`t judge a man mating with another woman but maybe your relatives, familly, friends, co-workers and so on will judge you, if they find out.

Now, maybe you ask yourself this. Who I am and how I know this right? I can`t tell you who I am(obviously), I don`t even know you, but what I can say is how I find out about your secret and the answer is smartphones!

Those gadgets are not actually that smart, you have installed in the past something that pretend to have a purpose and behind your back without you having any ideea was doing something else. This app has some maIlicious code also is collecting messages, calls, all the activity and then is sending the collected data to one of my compromised computers located somewhere on an island.

Everyday I manually check stuff collected from hundred of people around the world and I`m looking for some that can worth it like your case for example.

The deal is next. You have to do a donation of 950 dollars worth in Bit Coln value. Otherwise, well... your secret will not be a secret anymore. I build a special archive with some materials for your wife that will be delivered if I don`t get my donation. It took me a while to accumulate enough data.

The amount is almost: 0.1 BTC.

My address part1: 1PhZgP4G7Wr6s

My address part2: 74ePuSgW4DqpUV8Uge9uU

This is important! My address(which is case sensitive) was separated in two parts, you have to copy and paste the part1 + part2 and then the final result after the parts are put toghether is actually my address where you can send the coins.

So, my guess is that you never used Bit Coln. In order to buy them use Google and look for PaxfuI. I know that you have that money because I verified report, it cost me a few dollars(with a stolen virtual card) to buy the information from some dodgy big databases of data. Everything that we do on pretty much any online activity, social media, browser is stored by those companies and then the info is sold to individuals like me. It`s just how things are working on terra planet, no more privacy!

After the donation was sent, your secret relationship will remain safe and you will never hear from me again. As I said I don`t judge you, monogamy is pure BS. Some of those women after 30, they start to look like spoiled milk, complain all day, making your life difficult. A woman should bring only pleasure(if you know what I`m talking about) in your life, so if you see somebody else outside your marriage and everything is working fine at home... keep going. Anyway did you know that almost all the successfull mariages are based on cheating?

The time limit is 48 hours (2 days) from this moment that you read this message!

BTW to un-install my thing from your device check on how to reset to factory settings. Search for your model and proced with the instructions. Also stop installing all stuffs and be careful what you browse online.

This message was set to be sent a few times. If you already sent my donation and you keep receiving those messages, simply ignore them.

I know something

Hello, your wife does know what I know? See... I don`t judge a man messing with another woman but maybe your familly, relatives, friends, coworkers and so on will judge you, if they find out.

Now, maybe you ask yourself this. Who I am and how I know this right? I can`t tell you who I am(obviously), I don`t even know you, but what I can tell you is how I find out about your secret and the answer is smart phones!

Those gadgets are not actually that smart, you have installed some time ago a app that pretend to do something and in the background without your knowlodge was collecting data. This thing has some dodgy code also is collecting everything including recording calls, sms, all activity and then is sending the collected data to one of my compromised computers located somewhere on an island.

Everyday I manually go thru stuff collected from hundred of people around the world and I`m looking for something that can worth it like this case for example.

The deal is next. You make a donation of 950 bucks worth in B-I-T-C-O-I-N value. Otherwise, well... your secret will not be a secret anymore. I created a special archive with some materials for your wife that will be delivered if I don`t get my donation. It took me some time to accumulate enough data.

The amount is almost: 0.1 BTC.

My address part1: 13K3wh58TnFpVMJmUTDGT23FaqGisb

My address part2: pPX8

Very important! My address(which is case sensitive) was split in two parts, you have to copy and paste the part1 + part2 and then the final result after the parts are put toghether is actually my final address where you can send the coins.

So, my guess is that you never used B-I-T-C-O-I-N. In order to get them use Google and look for Paxful. I know that you have that money because I verified report, it cost me a few dollars(with a stolen credlt card) to buy the information from some dodgy big databases of data. Everything that we do on pretty much any online activity, social media, browser is stored by those companies and then the info is sold to guys like me. It`s simply how things are working on this blue planet, no more privacy!

After the donation was sent, your secret relationship will stay safe and you will never hear from me again. As I said I don`t judge you, monogamy is pure BS. Those women after 30, they start to look like spoiled milk, complain all day, making your life harder. A woman should bring only pleasure(if you know what I mean) in your life, so if you see somebody else outside your marriage and everything is working ok at home... keep going. Anyway did you know that almost all the successfull mariages are based on cheating?

The time limit is 2 days (48 hours) from this moment that you read this message!

BTW to remove my code from your device check on how to reset to factory settings. Search for your model and proced with the instructions. Also stop installing all stuffs and be careful what you browse online.

This message was set to be sent more times. If you already sent my donation and you keep receiving those messages, just ignore them.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

This is important


I will be straight. You watch aduIt content pretty often and I caught you matsurbating. Let`s be real, we all do it from time to time. How I did this? Your router was vulnerable I was able to inject some code into the firmware and every device connected on the network including phones were compromised. Then I simply set every device available to record with the camera only when you watch aduIt content. In this moment your router firmware was upgraded by the manufacture so there will be no problems in the future. Also you must to reboot every device in order for my code to be dumped from the memory on each device because is still active.

Anyway, I got also your contacts lists, phone numbers, emails, social media contacts and here is the deal. If you don`t pay me 500 dollars worth in BitColn, the video with you doing... you know what, will be send to all your contacts.

Amount: 0.06 BTC (approximately)

My Address Part 1: 15NRvRA

My Address Part 2: f2dWSVv7hRfBh2NwQu1pV3Rbebg

Important! My address was split in 2 parts, you must to put the parts together with no spaces between them manually using Copy and Paste. The final result after the parts are glued(Part 1+Part 2) is my final address where you send the coins. You may also save that somewhere to not lose the details.

Quick tip! You can buy BitColn from Paxful. Use Google to find it.

Also search for what is No Fap and read about the benefits of no PMO. Watching dirty stuffs is a waste of time, energy and minerals from the body. I hope you will think about this very seriously.

In case you wonder why your anti viruses were not triggered is because my code is not set to steal passwords, PIN codes and other stuffs. The only function is to record with the cameras(in slient mode) and grab the contacts, and any system protection see this activity as normal. I know that you have that amount of money that is requested. So don`t worry about your passwords, bank accounts and so on, however for your mind peace, go ahead change them.

You have 72 hours (3 days) to send the payment. When coins are sent, the video with you doing... you know what be destroyed and you will never hear from me.

Next time cover your cameras, somebody may watch! Limit yourself to one time per month if you can`t go completly NoFap.

This message was scheduled to be sent multiple times.