Friday, February 6, 2009

Heeeeeeeere's broccoli

The post you have been waiting for with bated breath!

I know, I am horrible for keeping you in suspense for so long! Can you ever forgive me?

Here it is, Adam's broccoli from his 4h garden

There truly has never been a more proud child!

It weighed in at 5lbs (not the 13lbs some of our fellow gardeners pulled in their cauliflower, but impressive in it's own right for this 1st time gardener) and taste delicious!!!!

Since we all love broccoli in many forms, not a drop of this heaven sent blessing will go to waste.

Now to really give credit where credit is due, we only planted the seeds. Our Father took care of the rest. Really, we only went back 2x after the initial planting and checked on it! Isn't it amazing what He can do when we quit interfering?

Great Job Adam all the same for your planting, checking and picking! It is wonderful and so are you!

1 comment:

The Ruzickas said...

More like "broccoli breath" haha! Looks great! Yummm! Maybe this will convince you to keep doing the garden now?!?