Friday, September 5, 2008

Behold the power of 10...

What is a girl to do? My "I love other people's blogs" list has hit the big 0. Ok, this is a family blog people, I do mean the big 1-0 mark. So while it seems I need a life instead of living vicariously though all of you, I realized that you are not the only favorite thing in my life that has hit the big 1-0 mark.
I currently have 10 favorite TV shows (gasp)! Yes, count them 10. In order of, yes I will drop what I am doing and watch (or at the very least make sure the DVR is rolling) they are: 24, prison break, the unit, how I met your mom, rules of engagement, the office, til death, csi, big brother, and yes, jon and kate plus 8.
I suppose you can only be shocked at this if you know that a mere 10 (are you seeing a pattern here) years ago, I didn't even watch TV. At the time I was so busy furthering my education and finishing my degree (that I currently don't use:-) that I thought TV was really only for watching when a hurricane was headed your way! I use to feel sorry for my parents for having no life and staying at home all the time watching TV. Yes, you see my friends that while I was married, we had a life!!!!!!!
It was a gradual addiction, my love of TV. A little news here, a snapshot of a show there. Then. We. Had. Kids... Ok, I am not saying that my children are to blame for my current addiction to TV anymore than they are for the few extra pounds I carry around, I'm just suggesting that they helped! Thank God for me that not everything in my life revolves around the number 10! If you are reading this and you have 10 kids, you are my hero!!!I digress. You may ask yourself how we went from 10 favorite TV shows to 10 favorite blogs. Enter summer 2008. Other than BB10, there has been nothing on TV, except for the occasional hurricane threat. I was bored in my "I have small children and must be home after 7:30 pm for bedtime so therefor I have no life" life.
My favorite pastime even before TV is reading. I LOVE to read! I am nosey. So you see how this has occurred, right.
It all started innocently enough (sort of like having children). The first one is so cute and funny and can do no wrong. You decide to add another and well, before you have a handle on it you are up to 4 (kids and this is where we stop) and 10 blogs.
So, I am throwing this out to the blogosphere, I AM STOPPING AT 10!!!! You can not force me to have more, I don't care how good you are you should have beat out the other 9.
Time for an honesty break, 1 of the blogs on my favorites is also mine, so I guess there is room for 1 more, ANY TAKERS?????
But that is it. I STOP AT 10!!!!! So my challenge to my 10 favorite blogs is this, write up because when my other love comes back, I am not sure what a girl will do.

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